domingo, 7 de febrero de 2016

A volley ball class:

-First of all, you have to take two laps running.
-Ankle flips: Where you have to start with the feet shoulder-width apart. The weight should be primarily on the feet´s ball. The athlete's legs should be straight so that the knee does not appear to be visible.

-You have to run forward to the center line making arm circles, and then run backwards with arm circles.
-High knees: Make sure the knees get high, they flex their ankles, and they have to move their arms

-Running flexing your legs towars your bottom.
-Knee hug to a lunge: Squat down a few inches and grab below your right knee whit your hands. Step forward into a lunge with your right leg forward. As you push up and out of the lunge, bringe your left knee up to go into your next knee hug. Continue alternating sides for the prescribed number of repetitions.

-Rotate your ankles, and your wrist.
-Finally make some strenghts.

-You are going to do an exercise in which you are going to get on a bench and on it, you are going to try to jump at the same time that you are throwing the ball up.
-You have to try that the ball don't touch the floor and also don't go down.
-Then when you go down, you have to throw the ball very high in order to have time to jump and hit the ground.

 -In pairs, one performs a spoon trow and the partner will return the ball by his forearms.
The person who is receiving the ball, have to bend his knees so much because the ball will come so down, and then change the papers.
-Also in pairs, yo have to make the greatest possible number of taps using the forearm and fingers touchs.
Without the ball touching the floor.

-First you have to throw the ball by yourself doing the touch of fingers.
-And then you have to do the same, but instead of standing up, you have to sit on the floor. And then you have to go up and down making fingers touchs.

-Now you are going to make a fake that is that during a space of game of 4 people, when the opposing team returns the ball to which is in front, he passes the ball to his partner's behind, who again return the ball to his partner and he, instead of returning, he throws it up, and the behind partner make an action.
 -Finalle make a match.




In all this different exercices we strenth different parts of our body like, twin,
abductor, quadriceps, biceps, triceps and trapeze.


1 comentario:

  1. Twin is not a calf.
    Touch of fingers = to set
    Individual tactical task is wrong, there is no tactic in that exercise.
